

معلومات اساسية

غرف نوم: 2
حجم العقار: 1,630 ft2
مناطق وقوف السيارات: 1


خيارات الدفع

تقسيط المبلغ (INR)
20% at the time of booking 42,677,727
5% 60 days after the reservation date 10,669,432
5% 120 days after the reservation date 10,669,432
5% on completion of 20% construction of the project 10,669,432
5% on completion of 30% construction of the project 10,669,432
5% on completion of 40% construction of the project 10,669,432
5% on completion of 50% construction of the project 10,669,432
5% on completion of 60% construction of the project 10,669,432
5% on completion of 70% construction of the project 10,669,432
40% on completion 85,355,454

آلة حساب الرهن العقاري
