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Основна інформація

Спальні: 5
Площа нерухомості: 3,542 ft2
Вид: Park
Паркомісць: 3+


Варіанти оплати

Розстрочка Сума (GBP)
20% immediate deposit 127,583
1% within 3 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 6 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 5 months of sale date 6,379
5% within 6 months of sale date 31,896
1% within 7 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 8 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 9 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 10 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 11 months of sale date 6,379
5% within 12 months od sale date 31,896
1% within 13 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 14 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 15 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 16 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 17 months of sale date 6,379
5% within 18 months of sale date 31,896
1% within 19 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 20 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 21 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 22 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 23 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 24 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 25 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 26 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 27 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 28 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 29 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 30 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 31 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 32 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 33 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 34 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 35 months of sale date 6,379
1% within 36 months of sale date 6,379
2% on 70% completion 12,758
1% on 80% completion 6,379
1% on 90% completion 6,379
30% on completion 191,375

Іпотечний калькулятор
